• 定制投资解决方案



    OCIO服务和解决方案 OCIO服务和解决方案


    我们提供全面的投资组合管理, as well as focused solutions that can bring targeted exposure to an overall portfolio. 这些解决方案总结如下. How these solutions are implemented through our proprietary investment management process is described in greater detail in 投资管理.

    • 全面投资组合管理
    • 全面投资组合管理

      与我们的客户合作, 我们设定投资目标,建立长期资产配置框架. We augment traditional asset allocation with an opportunistic and fundamental view of markets, allocating to niche opportunities and mispriced asset classes as market conditions unfold.

    • We turn the traditional portfolio construction process on its head and start by building a portfolio with what we believe are the most exceptional investment managers, 无论资产类别如何. Rather than reflexively filling each asset class category with mediocre active managers, we achieve our asset allocation goals by filling the gaps with low-fee passive instruments.

    • We manage risk by monitoring underlying manager positions and measuring overall portfolio exposures to various fundamental and macroeconomic risks. 这使我们能够确认预期的暴露并减轻那些意外的暴露.


    yabo亚博网站登录首页建立了一个灵活的平台,可以满足客户的定制需求. 集中的解决方案在整个投资组合中提供有意的暴露.

    • 机构饼状图
    • 资产类别

      yabo亚博网站登录首页 manages pooled investment vehicles that serve the needs of many of our clients in different asset classes. 我们相信,我们已经找到了世界级的公共和私人投资, 有时由于最低收费太高,其他机构不容易获得, 封闭状态或能力限制以及承保的复杂性, 监控和管理驱动性能. Economies of scale benefit clients through lowered costs in public markets and preferential legal rights in private markets.

    • 机构饼状图
    • 全球结构性趋势专题投资

      yabo亚博网站登录首页 has identified global structural trends that offer long-term investment opportunities. 投资组合提供了进入创新经济的独特途径.

    • 机构饼状图
    • 合作范围

      yabo亚博网站登录首页提供全方位的合作, 从自由裁量到咨询, depending on what makes sense for each client, their governing structure, and investment program.

    • 可自由支配

      yabo亚博网站登录首页, 自由裁量的OCIO投资服务的先驱, 自2002年以来一直管理定制的自由裁量投资计划. Our firm is GIPS® compliant and our track-record spanning multiple market cycles illustrates our ability to add value. Worldwide reach and a patient and disciplined process deliver excellence across public and private markets.

    • 咨询

      安吉利斯最初是一家咨询公司, 今天,我们还保留着一些顾问关系.

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